It might loosen up as it breaks in or it might be perfect right now and you are just not used to it yet. I would drive it for a bit longer (a month or so) before you worry about it. It's a pretty crude device but it is pretty much all we have unless you go for an ARB. However, on the road it's primarliy silent with an occasional squeal or bang on a corner under power. Parking lots and slow turns can be herky jerky sometimes but other times it just goes click click click. Mine does what yours does for the most part.

The Spartan lockers design does not use the thrust washers and has a revolutionary spring and pin design that makes installation a snap Fits Toyota 7. You have to realize that noises and such are subjective.what's loud to some is music to others. The Spartan Locker, by USA Standard Gear, provides reliable traction at a low cost. How does it do with regular driving? How does it do offroad? While I don't have a Spartan (I have a rear lockright) this behavior seems normal to me.
#Spartan locker reviews free#
I'm thinking that I will tear it apart again to take a little bit more out of the equation, free it up a bit. There is some ginding to be done in instalation to create alittle room between the sidegeers and the pinion pin block and spacer. ALL WASHERS TO BE REMOVED, is what it says in the in destructions. It just squeeled the tries while giving an occational loud CRACK.It was very reluctant to ratchett consistantly. I went down to a parking lot and did slow figure-eights to see how it would react.

This thing shakes the truck sometimes when it gives way. Alot of people say, they're great, and " I can barely hear it" But there are an alarming number that do say that it is loud, and that it ratchets less frequently and with much more force, and that is what I am experiancing.

Ive drivin it for a week now, and done alot of research. Quote from: samwarrior86 on Thursday, Jul 22, 2010, 09:20 PM